Introducing: Tol Gruber

Apostolis Loussis or better known in the techno world as Tol Gruber, was born in Athens on August 2nd, 1986.

At the young age of nine, he began his education in music with the guitar, but his passion slowly began to steer towards electronic music and the desire to compose such music. He immersed himself completely in the electronic music scene and each experience influenced his sound even more in his own productions.

Completely self taught, over the years, Tol’s eclectic catalogue increased with solid productions. Through many trials and tribulations, he finally discovered his true passion and niche in Techno music as deep, dark and experimental sounds became the “signature” of Tol Gruber’s musical compositions.

Over the years, some of Tol Gruber’s music has been played on radio stations like Cannibal radio. He has been interviewed by ART UBER ALLES and Freeze magazine and with increased experience and fine tuning in his Techno, he caught the attention of Brood Audio, which saw the potential in him and signed him as an artist.

Besides having released previously on Focus Records, Shout records, and Italo Business, he also manages his own label, Voodoo Records.

His passion continues to drive him and be the main force behind his music. With releases lined up on Brood Audio, Frakture Audio, Hybrid Confusion and keeping busy in the studio, you can be sure to expect a lot more from Tol Gruber.
